100% Handcrafted leather goods.

Each and every handbag and accessory in the Jilly Designs line is 100% handcrafted and made to order. With this type of production, we can pay close attention to the details and drastically reduce excess and waste by only producing what is sold.

All handbag designs, the cutting of all the materials and constructing each handbag and accessory is done in-studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico by a woman owned and operated handmade brand.

Our handbags and accessories are typically processed and shipped within 3 to 15 business days, depending on the complexity of the order. Please see individual product pages for processing times. If more than one item is purchased, the item with the longest production time will apply to all items and will be shipped together, unless otherwise specified.

Please note, slight differences in color, markings and grain as well as naturally occurring imperfections or hide scars are all inherent qualities of leather. Please allow for these slight imperfections as they are part of the beauty of working with natural leather hides. Leather color may vary due to individual monitor settings. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Jilly Designs studio.